OPEN HOUSE Thursday, April 10, 2025
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm at Genesis Church (1405 Seven Valleys Rd, York)
2025-2026 REGISTRATION Dates
Note - Registration opens at 9:00 a.m. and closes at 5:00 p.m. on the dates indicated.
Registrations received outside these dates and times will not be processed. Late fee applies for any registration received after 8/21
Instructors/Volunteers: 3/29 until 4/3
Current Students: 4/5 until 4/11
New Students of Current Families: 4/12 until 4/24
New Families Registration: Begins 4/26

KDO Academy
"Let our teaching fall like gentle rain, our words and actions descend like the dew, like showers on new grass, like abundant rain on tender young plants." Deut 32:2
To attend class(es), please read through the HS/Bridge Policies and Guidelines of KDO to be sure you are in agreement and complete the following forms found on the forms page:
HS/Bridge Registration AND Medical Form,
Your registration is complete when all forms and registration payment are received.
Check out all of our courses here!
KDO Academy offers a variety of classes for the 7th through 12th grade student. Our program focuses on excellence in teaching, with the perspective of God as Author. High School classes are geared for 9th-12th grades & Bridge classes are geared for 7th & 8th grades.
We are looking forward to working alongside of you! We provide lessons, daily homework and grading. Parents are responsible for the home education. Please let us know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. We welcome hearing from our parents!