OPEN HOUSE Thursday, April 10, 2025
6:00pm-8:00pm at Genesis Church (1405 Seven Valleys Rd, York)
2025-2026 REGISTRATION Dates
Note - Registration opens at 9:00 a.m. & closes at 5:00 p.m. on the dates indicated. Registrations received outside these dates & times will not be processed.
Instructors/Volunteers: 3/29 until 4/3
Current Students: 4/5 until 4/11
New Students of Current Families: 4/12 until 4/24
New Families Registration: Begins 4/26
Late fee applies for any registration received after 8/21
KDO Academy
"Let our teaching fall like gentle rain, our words and actions descend like the dew, like showers on new grass, like abundant rain on tender young plants." Deut 32:2
KDO Volunteers
It takes MANY hands to make KDO function smoothly. Every big job and every little job makes the wheels of this program turn. Please prayerfully consider what you can do to help. As you work a position, we offer discounts towards your tuition. We do not guarantee you can work off all your tuition, as we must serve the whole community. This is meant to be a help to families AND allow the program to run smoothly. We are grateful for those that step forward to help!
The application is available beginning in August and parents will be notified via email. If you do not receive an email by AUGUST 5th, please email to make sure you are receiving KDO emails.
Things to know:
1. If you are working directly with the students, you MUST have your volunteer clearances. Please be sure you obtain those before KDO begins. Clearance forms can be found here.
2. If you are working around students or parents, you must have a friendly demeanor and represent KDO with Christian respect towards others.
3. By signing up for one of our positions you affirm you agree with KDO's Policy and Guidelines and are willing to uphold them. Any infraction against our policy or with a student will result in dismissal from your position. The Policy and Guidelines are found here.
4. Each job is described below; you may choose one or up to three.
5. Most jobs are worked weekly, some are occasional, please be sure you read carefully what you are signing up for.
6. Email Bonnie at if you have questions.
7. Set up and tear down are great jobs for responsible self motivated high school students to apply for!
Interested in volunteering? Please use the Volunteer Form to sign up!
What exactly is KDO Academy?KDO Academy is a resource to homeschool families. We meet once a week in order to come alongside your homeschool program as an enrichment to your homeschool program. We meet on Thursdays only, and therefore can not be the end all when it comes to teaching the student.
Which grades are elementary and which are high school?We consider Kindergarten through 6th grade elementary. These are full day programs. High School and Bridge classes are 7th grade and on up. These are individual classes.
What does KDO Academy High School do?Students attend desired classes and are tutored in the specific subjects. The teacher gives the homework weekly, and grades assignments. We are there to help facilitate a broader understanding of a subject. Our goal is for the student to gain classroom/group experience with labs and presentations.
What does KDO Academy Elementary do?In elementary we use the unit study approach. Mom can teach the basics at home, but this allows for the student to gain experiences in group activities, presentations, basic group behavior, and also to enjoy doing projects, parties, special days, recess, eating in a cafeteria, making friends, etc. Things that kids find important!
What are Bridge Classes?Bridge classes are individual classes that are geared to the 7th and 8th grade student. The classes allow the student to learn how to get weekly homework, have things graded, follow a schedule, and be able to meet deadlines. These classes may be taken by 9th-12th grade student if the parents feel the subject is necessary for their student. We use the term Bridge so students know they are bridging over to better things!
Can my 7th grader take high school level classes?Although we have had a few students who were emotionally and socially ready for the upper high school courses, on the whole this age student is not. We will allow 8th graders to take some of the upper level courses with teacher approval. The teacher has the final say. If the student isn’t ready, then you will have to choose something else that is available. Waiting to find out, may limit your options, and keeps the space from someone else who does need the course. Please consider carefully!
How will I decide what courses my student will need?Based on your diploma program and with the help of your evalutor, you would want to decide what class(es) you would like your student to take at KDO throughout the years. We do our best to keep the core classes in the same class periods. The course descriptions will give you a good idea of what curriculum is being used and what to expect in the class. Refer to the suggested course list found on the High School general information page. Credits listed for each class, are suggested credits based on the sucessful completion of the work assigned. Your evaluator can help you determine credit value based on your diploma program. If we can be of any assistance, please email the HS Liaison.
How do I register?Go to our Forms page (found in the toolbar menu at the top of each page) for all the forms you need to register.
How will I know my registration is complete?You will receive a confirmation email from the registrar. The time stamp of your registration will determine your spot in a class. To keep that spot you must have all required forms completed! Please note: In order to run a class, a minimum number of students need to enroll. Once we know a class is going to run, we will mark a "GO" after the name of the class.
Where do I find out information about my classes?You can find out more about Elementary classes here and Bridge/High School classes here! Once enrolled you will be sent a link to JupiterEd to log in. You will need to log in to get your teacher's Welcome Letter and information.
How can I meet the teacher?We have an Open House at the end of each school year before registration. Please come and see what we offer, and hear from our staff of highly qualified teachers!
How will my student be graded?-Elementary students are NOT graded! They are learning the basics of life, and it’s pressure they don’t need. We want them to enjoy the KDO experience! -High school/Bridge students are graded on the homework, class participation, projects, and will be given semester report cards through the online school system. The grades are in percentages. Each diploma program/parent must decide what letter value the percentage holds. Teachers can only grade on what they see on Thursdays, and homework handed in. The parent knows what is happening at home, and should be monitoring the broader picture as the facilitator of the homeschool program. Ultimately it is up to the parent to decide what the final grade will be. The grades are for your benefit.
How will I contact the teachers?The teachers for all grades may be contacted through JupiterEd. The student will have their own log in, and the parent will receive their own log in after registration is complete. This is our main source of communication! Please make sure the parent and the student are logged into their own portal.
What happens if we miss a day of KDO?It is the STUDENT’S responsibility to contact the teacher for the homework prior to when they will miss. If a student wakes up sick, they may contact the teacher through JupiterEd to notify them of the absence. We are trying to prepare students for college, and teach responsibility.
Do I pay if I miss a day?Yes, you must pay for the missed day. The teachers are there and available, and you are paying for your slot. KDO has up to three emergency closure days built in. The teachers will keep the students moving with homework, and interaction through JupiterEd. If a high school teacher is out sick, and we do not have enough time to find a sub, then the high school teacher will work by JupiterEd to keep your student up to task. We do our best to have a sub in the classroom that will keep the pace of the lessons though.
How do I pay?We prefer monthly, but we want KDO to be doable for our families financially. Please pay however that works for your family’s budget. The only thing we ask is that you do not fall two weeks behind. Should you fall behind, it is your responsibility to contact the Administration. If you do not, then you will be locked out of JupiterEd (or grades withheld) until payment is made. Elementary students may be asked to not return until payment is made. After three weeks, your spot may be given to someone else.
I've heard about "discounts" families can earn. What are these?You may earn discounts by cleaning, lunch helper, or filling one of the available positions. This is a way to discount your tuition and it helps us run the program with many hands helping! Those helping are eligible for early registration the next year.
What if I have more questions?Please use the contact information on the website. You may find out on the contact page which person may have the best answer to your question! We are here to help you!